Outdoor Shower 101: Nattura Shower´s ultimate guide to buying and installing an outdoor shower

  • By Kate Williams

Buying an Outdoor Shower

Finding a brand, planning ahead.


The act of showering in the great outdoors has a certain calming effect on us. Decks, pools, and even gardens can benefit from the installation of an outdoor shower, whether it be a column, arm, or head. Despite the common perception that outdoor showers are only seen in sandy coastal areas, their practical and aesthetically pleasing design has made them a hit with homeowners all over the United States. Did you know that several Nattura Shower types include our patented Anti-Frost System, allowing for secure installation even in frigid climates? If you're debating whether or not to install an outdoor shower, here's our straightforward opinion: According to Hadley Mendelsohn of House Beautiful, installing an outdoor shower is a great way to increase your home's value and convenience, whether you're trying to prevent sand, grass, or pet hair from being tracked inside or you just want a place to clean up while enjoying the fresh air.

Once you've made up your mind and are ready to move forward with your plans for an outdoor shower, you'll want to ensure a seamless installation so that you may enjoy the atmosphere you've imagined.

Step 1: Select an outdoor shower company

One that has a solid reputation and a wide selection of high-quality, aesthetically pleasing products. AMA Luxury Shower of Brescia, Italy, is a family-owned enterprise with over 30 years of experience in the design and fabrication of AISI 316L Stainless Steel showers and accessories. Certification of AMA´S quality management system is a testament to the company´s commitment to consistency, continual improvement, and customer satisfaction.

Step 2: Plan ahead

Location, privacy, materials, drainage, and the anchoring system are just few of the crucial factors to keep an eye on during this phase. To aid you in making sense of it all, we created this article. Continue reading and you'll soon be taking a shower under the stars.


Location Considerations

Views. Utility. Plumbing. What you should keep in mind.


Titano Outdoor Shower located near a pool

Some of our clients say: Locate your outdoor shower precisely where you would like to stand every morning, or every time you get out of the pool. Yor new shower should basically go in one of your favorite spots within your property. You can figure out the rest with the help of a plumber. We agree.


Time to get started! We´ll begin with the simplest installations and work our way up to the more complex ones.

Let's pretend that speed of setup and user friendliness are top priorities. A deck adjacent or close to a bathroom, kitchen or laundry room are ideal locations for an outdoor shower if you consider how convenient it would be to connect to the hot and cold water pipes already installed in your home. If the plumber can quickly and easily gain access to your preexisting plumbing system, he will be able to complete his work more efficiently and at a lower cost to you. However, before slapping an outdoor shower on one side of your house based entirely on convenience of installation, remember this shower will become part of your routine and life for many years.

Suppose you have views to take advantage of, a pool in your backyard, or are interested in recycling graywater for use in your garden. Considering these aspects, it may be prudent to dedicate time and energy to identifying the greatest possible spot for your new outdoor shower.

Before settling on a location for your outdoor shower column or wall-mounted shower arm, it's important to ask yourself why you want one.

The optimal location for an outdoor shower will depend on the specifics of your needs.

Depending on your intended purpose, different spots may be more or less suitable for an outdoor shower. Some people place them near the back door so they can be quickly accessed after a run around the block. Others prefer to install them in a secluded area of the back yard. Circumstances are unique to every household. 

For example, if you have a pool and want bathers to wash off the sweat and other impurities before diving in, or rinse off chlorine after a long day, a spot near the pool would be ideal. If this is your case, remember to pay close attention to the path to and from the pool. While concrete or stone pavers are popular, easy to maintain and incredibly long-lasting, they can get extremely hot for barefoot enjoyment unless shade is provided during the summer. Find our recommended materials in the Materials section of this article.

Conversely, if you dream about showering al fresco before heading to the office, a spot near your bedroom would be convenient and likely become part of your daily routine.

Another piece of advice is to pick a location with plenty of sunshine. That will dry the area, preventing mold growth, and keep you comfortable on chilly days. Refer to the Privacy section of this article for expert advice and guidance on recommended ways to build outdoor shower walls, trellises and what vegetation to use depending on your region.

Finally, if your property has spectacular views, it could be best to let those determine where you break ground. An outdoor shower hidden in a wooded enclave overlooking the ocean or city beyond would be lovely, but only if you were willing to dig a hole and lay piping to get there. 



Lines of sight, vegetation and enclosures.


To protect your privacy, place your outdoor shower out of sight. If you can't do that, using outside walls or vegetation to your advantage is your next best bet.

Before you start digging, stand right where you would when taking a shower and look all around you. Can you see any decks, terraces or windows? Do you see any if you squat down? Your plan should obscure these sights while incorporating ingenious solutions that still provide the fresh air and open space of an outdoor shower.

Think about your visitors' and neighbors' comfort levels and your own while planning an outdoor shower. A shower enclosure made of handcrafted wood provides seclusion and opens up possibilities for built-ins and other fixtures. To prevent the growth of mold and mildew, it is important to let the area air out completely after each use. Anchoring walls to corner posts and raising them approximately a foot from the ground will increase air circulation. If you put the cage in direct sunlight, it will dry much more quickly.

If a wooden enclosure doesnt feel breezy enough, vegetation can help shield your outdoor shower from curious eyes. You could either install your shower between existing trees or plant new ones, depending on privacy needs. Go to the USDA Agricultural Research Service and navigate to the USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map to find your location on the map. Then, scroll down to find recommended vegetation species for your specific area.

Vegetation: Tall species:

False Cypress (Zones 5a–8a), Red Maple (3–9), Balsam Fir (3–5), Arborvitae (3–8). White Cedar (3–8), Basswood (3–8). Canada Hemlock (3–8), Palms (6b/7a and southward), As an alternative, Bamboo (3–10) can be an ideal privacy hedge in tropical gardens. Just know that the plants (technically, grasses) can become invasive.

Schrubs for coverage

Include another layer of foliage with shrubbery. Pick up some flowering plants for color, charm, and fragrance—ideally, varieties that don't attract bees. Try a few of these: Arrowwood Viburnum (2–8), Shrubby Dogwood (3–8), Virginia Sweetspire (6–9), Elderberries (4–9), Chokeberries (5–9), Carolina Allspice (5–9), Canadian Yew (1–4), Winterberry Holly (3–9), Swamp Azalea (4–9), Mountain Pieris (4a–8b), Witch Hazel (3–9), Bottlebrush Buckeye (5–9), Summersweet (6–8), Frangipani (10–11), Rhododendron (4–8), Shadblow (3–7), Blushing Bride Hydrangea (5–8S/10W)



(Certain) wood species and stainless steel for the win.



Choose hardy species that can resist the elements if you go this route. Specifying the incorrect wood species for an outdoor application can lead to a number of issues, such as deterioration, insect infestation, and hazardous surfaces. In this section, we will cover ideal species for outdoor applications.

Some species are naturally more resistant to the elements than others because they have evolved to produce complex chemical compounds to prevent deterioration. The tropics are a common habitat for these. Certain treatments applied to other woods greatly improve their resilience to the elements.


Originally from the west coast of Africa, Iroko is significantly cheaper than Teak yet offers some of the same weather-resistant qualities. Characterized by a beautiful golden-brown color, Iroko is durable and often used for decks, gates, and even flooring, given its outstanding ability to take nails and screws. However, remember that given its interlocked grain, Iroko may be difficult to work with when other tools are to be used.


An outstanding wood to use outside, Oak has been used for centuries to build ships, barrels, and other utility objects commonly exposed to the elements. The reason behind its durability is its natural ability to repel water (guarding against warping), which is achieved by pores that get sealed by microscopic growths called tyloses, resulting in wood that is almost entirely impervious to liquid and air. Oak also contains high levels of tannic acid, a natural pesticide.


Weather resistant, pest resistant, low maintenance, durable, structurally sound, and beautiful. Where should we begin? If you´re willing to pay a little more, Teak is a fantastic wood choice for your outdoor shower enclosure. Teak is the strongest of all hardwoods, which is why many outdoor furniture manufacturers feel comfortable basing their entire business around it. Thanks to its natural water-repelling oils, Teak has been used to build boats and ships since the middle ages and continues to be used In the yachting industry.


Once you´ve selected a specific location for your outdoor shower and have surveyed the area for privacy concerns and opportunities, it´s time to look into the actual fixture. What kind of metal should you outdoor shower be made of? If you want to make a good decision, you should learn as much as possible about your material choices. 

Before selecting an outdoor shower, consider the material on which the fixture is constructed. AISI 316L Stainless Steel Outdoor Shower Columns, shower heads, and shower arms are very resistant to corrosion, making them the perfect choice for use outdoors, where elements can and will damage other metals over time. Give your stainless steel a good scrub with mild soapy water every few weeks, rinse it off, and then dry it with a soft towel to keep it looking new. Refer to our Stainless Steel Maintenance Guide for more information.


Advantages of Stainless Steel

Everything you need to know about the noble material we love. 


Stainless steel is healthy

Due to its lack of lead content, stainless steel poses less of a risk to the environment, water supplies, and human health. It's the next generation of eco-friendly building supplies.

Stainless steel is hygienic

Stainless steel is an excellent material to incorporate into spaces with paramount cleanliness and sanitation. Despite its significance, stainless steel's role in maintaining a clean environment as part of resorts, spas, and family homes is often overlooked. The smooth, hypoallergenic, non-porous surface characteristic of AISI 304 and AISI 316 stainless steel is technically impermeable to contaminants like grime and bacteria. Despite the above, stainless steel can be easily cleaned and disinfected for added peace of mind.

Stainless steel is strong

Stainless steel is a strong, long-lasting material. The main components of this alloy are iron, chromium, nickel, silicon, and manganese. It can sustain greater temperatures than mild steel without compromising its tensile strength.

Stainless steel is low-maintenance

At Nattura Shower, we typically work with spas, resorts, and even cruise ships that come to us looking for a corrosion-resistant solution to withstand salt exposure in extreme environments. Our Italian-sourced stainless steel is highly durable, and a simple, recurring rinse with warm water and mild soap efficiently protects our client´s investment.

Stainless steel is highly resistant to corrosion

"Stainless" can refer to several different kinds of steel. Like other varieties of steel, stainless steel is primarily composed of carbon and iron, but it also contains chromium. When the chromium atoms in stainless steel come into contact with oxygen, a thin "passive layer" of chromium oxide immediately forms on the surface of the stainless steel. This protective layer keeps rust at bay and is surprisingly capable of repairing itself.



A few options you should keep in mind.


Provided you only use biodegradable soaps and shampoos that pose no threat to groundwater, the most common drainage method is allowing the water runoff from an outdoor shower to drop naturally into the ground. However,many towns require you to construct a drainage system to eliminate such threat for pollution. Further, if additional ground saturation might weaken nearby foundations, local construction rules may mandate the installation of a drain for gray water disposal. Even if no foundation would be at risk and the soil directly under your shower is porous enough for natural drainage, you may choose to utilize water elsewhere or dispose of it entirely via a drain connected to the municipal wastewater system. This section covers some of the basics behind the most common drainage types for outdoor showers.

The most typical outdoor shower drains consist of the following:

Shower Pans

Below your chosen permeable shower flooring, install a metal, plastic, or rubber shower pan to catch gray water and direct it to a specific location. One sustainable idea is to lead it to a non-edible garden and utilize the water for irrigation! Remember: graywater from your outdoor shower will contain traces of oils, dirt, natural grease, and hair. All of these would pollute a body of water, but plants may find nutrients in them, which makes graywater even better for irrigation than regular tap water. Just remember to infiltrate it into the soil instead of letting it poop up or run off. To do this appropriately, you must know how well water drains into your ground.

Alternatively, suppose you live in an urban setting or have no garden nearby. In that case, the shower pan can be connected to the same drainage pipe that carries away the rest of your household's wastewater into the municipal wastewater system. If you use grey water for irrigation, stick to eco-friendly soaps when implementing this drainage solution.

Stone Pavers (And natural drainage)

If you're not a fan of wood flooring, stone pavers are also an excellent option for optimal drainage with a dry well system created below them. These pavers can be an extension of your patio to add cohesiveness to your backyard, or they can stand alone as the foundation for your shower.

French Drains

A French drain is a gravel pit under the shower that percolates water into the soil, preventing water from pooling and flooding an area. In the context of an outdoor shower, it is an efficient way of moving water away from the shower base and into the ground, a water collection system, or a municipal wastewater drain.
A hollow, perforated drainage pipe is used to do this. Water-permeable fabric is stretched around the drainage pipe to keep weeds, dirt, and other material from clogging the perforations. Several layers of stones or gravel also coat the line. The principle is simple: Water chooses the path of least resistance, and it is considerably simpler for water to pass through the greater spaces offered by packed stone than for water to go through densely packed soil. The water is naturally drawn down through the rocks into the hollow pipe, which can flow freely on a downward slope.

Because shower water eventually ends up in a gravel bed and is absorbed by the earth, choosing soaps that break down naturally is essential.